#19 - Kat Philbin's "Codswallop"

Kat and I had been planning to do a solo show, which was constantly being postponed because I was looking for a new location for the gallery to move to. She came up with this whole epic story of a little girl who is wandering around an underwater world and created a series of large and small paintings for it.

I finally landed a location and we were able to put on the show.

It was funny because the two artists' work really did not go together. On the one hand you had Kat's paintings which were really detailed and fantasy based and on the other you had Listen04's which were really loose and crude in subject matter. I thought the juxtaposition was great to be around in the gallery.



Kat Philbin

Photos from the Exhibit

Click here to see hi-res photos from the opening reception on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/danielrolnik/sets/72157676038411036


  • See (March 2016) articles, HERE.